Monday, December 22, 2008

LOVE POEMS......!!!

by Katie Downes

You know now how much I care?
Did you not see the sparkle in my stare?
How could you have been so blind?
My feelings weren't that hard to find.
I've lost myself inside of you.
Why don't you feel it too?
Is there something here I just don't see?
Maybe you just don't understand me.
I've opened up my heart and life for you,
If only you could feel it too.

True lovers
by Melissa L Peterson

I searched high and low for the perfect one for me
not knowing he was right under my nose
if i could only open my eyes and see
i didn't know i loved him for a while
but when i did the wait seemed worthwhile
i started to think about all the times we had shared
and it made me realise you really did care
i thought i was silly, not good enough for you
i was so confused, didn't know what to say or do
should i tell you how i felt and what i had been thinking
or would you turn me away, not feeling my heart breaking
each and every single day i prayed
i could tell you how i felt without being turned away
i tried to tell you a couple of times but i got scared
i had stop believing you really cared
when i finally got enough courage to tell you
i felt relieved knowing you finally knew
who would have thought you had been wishing the same wish as mine
i wish i had known this the whole time.

Forever You
by Tonese Rene Reed

It’s happiness that I long for
The smile on your face
Lets me know it will be okay
The joy you give to me
The tears you only see
No other love has made me feel this way
Sometimes I think of you
And the thought of you puts a smile on my face
Float upon the clouds
I can reach the stars
A daydream in the night
Feel the wind upon my skin
Dancing with the wind
Let me feel like this again
This joy that can’t be taken
At last my heart’s not breaking
Heaven on Earth
Did you ever feel loved like this?
A once in a lifetime feeling
Let me love him forever.

Heaven is Here
by Nick Ottea

I look at your face
and imagine,
think of all the possibilites,
things that could happen.
The one time I saw you,
love at first sight,
think you just might...
maybe feel it too?

I knew it from the start,
you fell into my heart.
I want to hold you in my arms forever.
Caught up in your touch,
I love you so much.
I melt into you,
I want to be with you.
I want to hold you in my arms forever.

All those smiles,
that one time,
all it would take,
to make me want you as mine.
I need you to share this life with me.
I need you here with me.
I want to be with you.
I want to hold you in my arms forever.

The Perfect Rose
by Kim DeLuca

The rose he gave me
was my first rose ever
it was so perfect
something to keep forever.
The red petals and the green stem
chosen with love
were placed in a white vase
the color of a dove.
As the petals wilted
I dried out the flower
so the memory of him
will never sour.
The perfect rose
chosen with care
like our relationship
will always be there.
My beautiful rose
on the bureau it will lay
so when I look at it
I know he will stay.
I'm so happy
it's me he chose
because now I am the girl
with the perfect rose.

You Stole my Heart
by Judith Ann Gage
You were the first to steal a piece of my Heart.
And I new when I saw you we'd never part.
You were and angel sent down from above,
cause God knew I needed someone to love.
It was then that I looked into your eyes
and as I held you, you began to cry.
I held you close as a Mother would do,
and all I could see was that you needed me to.
God answered my prayers and sent you to me,
so together we two always will be.
Now that you're grown it's so hard to measure,
all the special times you have brought me pleasure.
But there will always be one that comes to my Heart,
and that was that you were the first to steal my Heart.

You, Me
by Ratis

They look and stare
Disgusted and jealous
Of what we have

I don't look and stare
I don't care i turn
The other way

They feel our heat, it scares them
Jealous and confused
Not you, not me, not us, but them

I know what i want, I want you,
I need you, i love you,
Thanking god what we have

They look and stare
For we see what we have
So we don't, look or stare

Look and stare, they can't break us!
Protected by love
The need and wanting of each other

It's you i want,
It's you i need,
It's you i love.

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